American well-known lighter manufacturer Zippo the Manufacturing company plan to have his dress product of American special feature to lead into China market.
the lighter brand Zippo military advance clothing industry
according to know,Prada Outlet, the household business enterprise that defends breeze metal lighter but famous as world by production is beginning to release man's clothing of having American style and go together with to decorate series.Currently, Zippo owns a dress monopoly store in the United States, but its plan is finished in China at this annual end 5 flagship stores.The president of company's George-Du Mr,prada. Ke said that this 5 flagship stores will fall Peking and Shanghai.Among them, the head family store that is located in Peking will start practice in this September.On top of that, Zippo plans to 2015 year-ends to increase to establish 50 shop fronts in front line and two line cities of China.
according to understand, the Zippo company about starts engraving the lighter of having American national flag and male eagle pattern to Asian region export surface by decade, while this time shop front extend plan undoubtedly will for in fact the company transform to turn over to open new literary piece now.The company the year sales in 1986 is USD 70,000,000, till 1996 this number soars to USD 100,000,000, currently it the business total amount including two local and foreign markets stabilize about USD 200,000,000.In addition to the United States, China is the biggest international market in Zippo company, take up 10% of total sales amount in its world.Last year, Zippo's performance circumstance in China market was extremely outstanding, its sales promoted 50% and exceeded the sale target of USD 10,000,000 that anticipated before now.This year, the company anticipates sales to increase 10% a little bit last a year.
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